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Buying the Recession-Proof House: Keys to Choosing the Right House

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Buying the Recession-Proof House: Keys to Choosing the Right House

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Don't be Stuck in the Wrong House when your Dream Home becomes Available!

Read this book if you care whether your House goes DOWN in Value.

No one should ever feel stuck in their house. It’s all about knowing what makes a house valuable and especially what doesn't.

Get the inside scoop from an appraiser with over 20 years' experience.

This 70-page guide will save you time, money and anguish when choosing your next home. With over 70 color photographs to better explain what appraisers, lenders, and future buyers like and don't like.

REOT takes the mystery out of buying a house that will be in demand even in a down market. Don't be stuck in a house you can't sell when your Dream Home becomes available.

This timeless information may also help you discover that you are ready to buy a home now!

It's All About Time

I often joke that every place is within walking distance... if you have the time.

Real Estate is no different. Like anything else, if you spend the time reading the right books and talking to the right people, you'll learn all the secrets.

So the real question is: How much time do you have?

I've spent over 25 years learning what makes a house more and less desirable and valuable to the market. And I want to share that knowledge with you.

Many times I've been called ‘silly’ for stating that a 2-Car Garage was an important feature - only to have those name-callers watch their 1-car-garage house sit on the market for 60 days while other homes, with bigger garages, sold in a week.

There are a number of features, and combinations of features, that really do affect the marketability of a house - and thus its Value. And that's not just my opinion - I have the data that proves it. There are also items or external elements that can hurt the value of a house. You need to know what those are.

I've made my share of money helping others as a Real Estate Broker and Appraiser. Until now, I was only able to help people in my home state of Colorado. But the value of this information is not limited to homes in mountain states. There are flood plains everywhere. There are garages everywhere. There are schools everywhere...

I want to help you make the right choice when buying your home - without hoping you get lucky with the right agent who tells you everything they know - and that it's enough.

"Buying The Recession-Proof House" is a simple, quick way to learn the bad things to avoid in a house, and good things to look for, that will keep your home in demand in good times and bad.

The information in this guide is:

  • Educational for any buyer or seller

  • Unbiased

  • Data-based

  • Free of Conflicts of Interest – I’m not looking to make money off of your choice of a home

  • A cheap insurance policy against making a bad decision in the biggest purchase of your life

Look, Personal Finance (like buying a home) is Personal - only You are responsible for choices you make, loans you take out, and the home you buy.

Don't make a huge mistake for yourself or your family - not when it's this simple to get an education in this important financial topic!

Real Estate Agents are great, but… They get paid no matter what you buy.

Real Estate Agents are sales people - nice sales people, but sales people nonetheless - who only get paid when they sell you a house. The sooner the better because their ‘time is money.’ The more expensive the house, the bigger the paycheck for them. Who's really got your back? No one but you. Get educated.

25 Years’ Experience – at your service

In my years of appraising houses and income properties, I've seen pretty much everything. From booming markets in the 1990s to the busts in the 1980s and late 2000s, I learned what helps a home keep its value and your equity - no matter what the market does.

Money Back Guarantee

REOT offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee on this product. If, after reading this book, you don't think the information in it will save you money and time and worry on your next home purchase, we will return your money – and would love your input on where you think we went wrong!

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